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Best Diet for Weight Gain or Bulking

When you are trying to gain weight all you need to do is EAT. But even when you are trying to increase weight it is not suitable to consume unhealthy food. Processed foods are a big No even when you are trying to gain weight. Foods such as sausages, sweets, and mayonnaise make you gain bad fat instead of muscles.

You need to make sure what you choose to eat not only makes you healthy but also provides you with the nutrients that your body requires to function. To achieve your goal you must construct a balanced weight gain diet plan. The easiest way to get bulkier is to take meals after every three hours to increase your calorie intake. The number of calories consumed is higher than the calories you burn. The diet you consume should consist of a balanced proportion of carbohydrates, fats, and protein for you to gain muscles.

Try to consume protein in all of your meals as it is one of the best bulking foods. You should try to prepare meals with various combinations of protein such as a chicken sandwich with a slice of cheese or a slice of white bread with a mashed egg. Taking meals that consist of good fats is also an ideal way of building muscles.

Chestnuts, peanuts, olive oil, etc. are a few of the examples that consist of good fats and act as natural products for weight gain. Try to keep yourself hydrated as much as possible. Adding fruits and vegetables to your diet is a must as it boosts your metabolism and allows you to strengthen muscles. The best examples of weight gain fruits are Mangoes, Bananas, etc.

To make this simpler for you, let me add some quick weight gain tips on food that will allow you to follow a well-balanced diet to build more muscles and not excess fat.


Smoothies are delicious and the perfect food to gain weight. Making your homemade smoothie is an ideal option as the store-bought ones lack the nutrients that you require to increase weight. Making smoothies is quite easy and a hassle-free process.

The fun part is you can get creative as much as you want while making one of the best bulking foods. You can experiment with combinations by adding chocolates and bananas together in a blender or if you are not a chocolate person then you can always go for a rare but tasty combination of Vanilla and berries. The choice is yours. Either way, this drink is destined to make you bulkier but in a healthier way.


Adding milk to your diet has been mandatory since childhood. But a lot of us are not really a fan but with a lack of the dairy ingredient in your diet, you can grow up to be skinnier and potentially have weaker bones too. It is the ideal element that you need to consume to produce muscles and needless to say it is an excellent source of calcium too.

If you don’t like yogurt-based smoothies then you can add milk instead, to your weight gain diet plan. For men who are interested in weight-lifting, having a glass of milk can make their process of gaining muscles way faster and save their efforts.

Red Meat

As mentioned earlier among the weight gain tips above it is mandatory to add any kind of protein to your diet. Red meat is one of the most consumed natural products for weight gain. It builds muscles promptly and allows you to be more bulky than leaner. Since the food is naturally rich in vitamins and minerals it permits you to build muscles according to your requirement.

It also contains amino acids that help in strengthening your muscles. Both lean and fattier cuts of meat are beneficial while trying to add on an extra few pounds. But ideally, a fattier cut allows you to achieve your goal more efficiently. Dishes such as brisket are a perfect example that helps you in taking in more calories that are required to increase weight.

Healthy Cereal

A lot of the time in the supermarket aisles, I have found people scratching their heads over while thinking about which oats are best for weight gain. It is a quite confusing task to choose from. As the aisles are filled with plenty of cereals that claim to be a healthier choice for breakfast.

Cereal is a combination of carbs, calories, and nutrients your body requires to make more muscles. But don’t be fooled by choosing processed ones that are high in sugar. Yes, Froot Loops is not an ideal choice for a healthy breakfast. Try to choose healthy options such as a wholesome breakfast of oatmeal which is a great source of carbs.

To make your oats delicious, you can always top them with berries, nuts, or dried nuts. Granola is another ideal choice for a healthy meal as it consists of various kinds of cereals, dried fruits, and nuts without any excessive sugar. It is certainly a more delicious pick compared to any weight gain fruits.

And My Point of View is

As written above, you need to make sure you choose healthier options even when you are trying to gain weight. These are the most natural foods that boost your process of building muscles in your body without any side effects or harmful reactions. A lot of people find it difficult to opt for natural products for weight gain as the process takes time to show results.

People often choose to go for supplements which is not the smartest choice, whether you are trying to gain or lose weight. A lot of these supplements manage to cause side effects such as diarrhea, low blood pressure, and low sugar levels. It is ideal to achieve your goal organically rather than relying on overpriced supplements which only produce temporary results at the cost

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