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Ways to Tie a Tie

Ties are fancy, they add a formal value to your plain oxford-styled suit. Whether worn for office or special occasions, people often find it difficult to tie it in a graceful manner. Although formal accessory is mostly worn by men, many still rely on guides such as what are the 3 ways to tie a tie or how many ways to tie a tie? To those of you, who are not aware, typically there are 3 ways to wear a tie. Firstly, the slim knot is popularly used in school life, while half Windsor is popular for those who like to hang their ties longer, and lastly, the full Windsor knot is commonly used by gents who have thicker necks. If you are someone who wants to learn how to tie a tie in 30 seconds or how to tie a school tie for your little preschooler, then you have come to the right place. Here are the most efficient ways to tie a tie, explained with steps for your better understanding.

· Slim Knot

· The Half Windsor

· The Full Windsor

The Slim Knot

Popularly known as the knot used for school ties, the style is popular among men who have shorter height. It is not exactly one of the fancy ways to tie a tie, but the demand for slim ties keeps coming back throughout the years. Even though it is different from the current tie length & width, it looks sophisticated and sleek for petite men. The slim tie brings more focus to the face rather than the height of the gentleman. One of the basic rules to follow is to keep the width of the tie the same as the lapels of your formal jacket. If you are planning to wear a suit for a wedding or a formal dinner, here are the guidelines on how to tie the popular knot:

1. Place the tie around the neck, while ensuring the wide end is 1/3 longer than the narrow end.

2. Turn over the wide end over the narrow end

3. Curve the wide end into a loop, beneath the narrow end.

4. Repeat the previous step once more.

5. Grip the front of the loop with the index finger and thumb.

6. While doing so, bring the wide end up behind through the neck loop.

7. To finish the know, pull the wide end downwards and bring the knot up towards your neck.

The Half Windsor

Ideal for semi-formal events compared to other ways to tie a tie the style known as half Windsor is chosen commonly. The famous style is worn with a medium-sized button-down collar. The knot is medium-sized and symmetrically balanced. Half Windsor follows the current tie length & width and is suitable for taller men. You can wear the knot to family dinners, as it looks incredible on formal dinner jackets. Here are some quick steps on how to tie a half Windsor which is quicker than how to tie a school tie:

1. With the collars up, place the tie around the neck.

2. Ensure that the wide end is 1/3 longer than the narrow end.

3. Turn over the wide end on top of the narrow end and back around from behind.

4. Pick the wide end up and pass it through the neck loop.

5. Pull the wide end to the right, to make it inside out.

6. Cross over the wide end to the other side and through the neck loop

7. Pass it through the loop, created in front.

8. To finish the knot, pull down the wide end and slide the knot up.

The Full Windsor

Large in size, the knot is one of the old-school styles out of the 3 ways to tie a tie. Symmetrically balanced, the knot received its name from the Duke of Windsor, also known as King Edward VIII. Full Windsor is strictly used for formal occasions and popularly used as one of the fancy ways to tie a tie for weddings and corporate meetings. It is known to be a complicated knot to learn and suitable to be worn with thicker lapels, a wide collar, and a suit jacket. If you are looking for how to tie a tie in 30 seconds, then you might want to skip this style, but if you have patience, then follow the guidelines below:

1. Place the tie around the neck ensuring the wide end is 1/3 longer than the narrow end.

2. Turn the wide end over the narrow end and pass upwards through the neck from beneath.

3. Pull down to the left.

4. Cross it to the right from the back.

5. Pull upwards to the neck loop.

6. Pull through the neck and pull downwards to the right.

7. Cross above the front to the left and back upwards through the neck.

8. Put through the front loop, created in front.

9. Complete the knot by pulling down on the wide end and sliding the knot to adjust.

The Styling Guides Come to an End

Dressing up in formal suits can groom up any man on the planet. But what matters is that it is done in the correct manner. People wear ties but often in the wrong way. Unfortunately, gentlemen don’t bother to adjust the knot correctly, which leads to collars sticking up in an awkward manner. Some don’t bother placing a tie bar, to keep it in place. A quick tip, once you have mastered the art of tying a tie, then have a sneak peek at some of the valuable tie accessories too.

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